Illuminating the Light of our Tamariki and Rangatahi
Nau mai haere mai ki Tātai Hono Consulting. We value connections. Between people. Through time. Through te taiao. We are not separate, we are connected. Our greatest taonga is our ability to make connections as kaiako to our tamariki, connections to the learning process and connections to te taiao, for these are constant in a fast changing world. The kupu maori "Tamariki" springs from Tamanuiterā and ariki reminding us that our tamariki are devine sparks of light. Tātai Hono Consulting exists to whakamana our tamariki and rangatahi. By working with kaiako, hapū, iwi and leaders to create opportunities for our tamariki and rangatahi to see and feel their light so that they may shine in their worlds, lighting their path forward.
With a combined 40 years of experience in education we understand the importance of connections.
Our Services
Tātai Hono Consulting are a part of the Ministry of Education panel of professional learning and development.
Trusted and Endorsed
Tātai Hono Consulting believe in co-creating the pathway forward to illuminate the light toward your professional goals.
This is important within areas of cultural capability and in pangarau as we whakamana our Māori tamariki, rangatahi and aspiring leaders.
Te Puke Primary School
Krystal - Deputy Principal
Rochelle provided excellent support for our kaiako and delivered engaging professional development which catered to our strategic plan and learning goals. Culturally responsive pedagogy is embedded deeply within our school and Rochelle was able to design and deliver her workshops with this in mind. Her professionalism and ability to connect with people enabled Rochelle to encourage and support a change in mindset and as a result of her vast knowledge and understanding of the program, we were able to implement Numicon consistently and successfully across all year levels. Rochelle understands the importance of kaupapa māori and tikanga within a school setting. Te Reo Māori was integrated within her workshops/visits and she encouraged kaiako to have high expectations for all, enabling their students to participate, contribute and learn in an inclusive environment. As a kura we appreciated her clear communication and Rochelle’s passion for her work is why we would happily recommend her as a PLD provider for others.
Te Pare o Toi; Hauora a Toi
Stu M :Pou Umanga
Really appreciate Rochelle's experience and skills in leading and scoping multiple projects. Key skills are her ability to effectively communicate, bring inquisitiveness, provide clear timelines and complete work to a high standard. Well rounded skill set, knowledge bank and experience.